






1. 内存中的数据:包括内核数据、用户数据、堆栈等。

2. 程序运行状态:可以获取程序执行的指令、调用栈、寄存器状态等。




1. Windows下生成dump

在Windows系统下,生成dump文件的最常用方法是使用Windows Debugging Tools工具包中的命令,例如:


C:\\> adplus -hang -p PID -o



当然,如果你使用的是Windows 7或更高版本,还可以使用操作系统自带的WERS工具来生成dump。方法如下:

1. 打开“控制面板”-“系统和安全”-“操作中心”。

2. 选择“维护”-“查看问题报告”。

3. 在弹出的“问题报告”页面中,选择对应的故障,然后单击“查看详细信息”。

4. 在新的窗口中,选择“创建dump文件”,然后选择输出路径即可。

2. Linux下生成dump


1. 使用gdb进入程序的调试模式。

2. 在gdb命令行中执行“generate-core-file”命令,生成core dump文件。具体命令如下:


gdb program

(gdb) run

(gdb) generate-core-file


3. 更改某些系统配置,将core文件保存到磁盘上。具体步骤如下:



ulimit -S -c unlimited





echo \"core.%e.%p\" > /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern





1. 内存转储文件比较庞大,不宜在正式生产环境中频繁生成。

2. dump的生成可能会对系统性能产生一定的影响。所以,在生产环境下,建议将dump功能关闭。

3. dump文件可能会涉及到系统中的敏感信息,因此需要妥善保存。




Dumper Truck: A Key Player in Construction

When it comes to construction, a dumper truck is indeed a key player on any building site. Its main purpose is to transport heavy and bulky materials from one place to another, making the construction work more efficient and effective. But what is a dumper truck, and how does it work?

A dumper truck, also known as a tipper truck, is a type of heavy-duty vehicle with a hydraulic piston that lifts the front of the truck to allow its contents to be dumped onto the ground. The dumper truck's bed is hinged at the back, allowing it to tilt and dump its contents. It is also equipped with reinforced axles and special suspension systems that can support heavy loads and navigate through rough terrain.

One of the key advantages of a dumper truck is its capacity to carry large quantities of materials. It can carry a wide range of materials, including sand, gravel, concrete, soil, and rocks. Depending on the capacity of the truck, it can carry up to 30 tons of material at a time. This makes it ideal for construction projects that require large quantities of materials to be moved from one place to another.

Another advantage of a dumper truck is its maneuverability. It is designed to move easily in tight spaces and navigate through narrow roads, making it ideal for construction sites with limited space. Its ability to turn in small spaces also allows it to unload its contents in areas where access is limited.

The third advantage of a dumper truck is its versatility. It can be used for a variety of construction tasks, including excavation, demolition, and site clearance. It can also be used for transporting waste material and recycling material to and from a construction site. Its versatility makes it an essential tool for any construction project.

To ensure the safety of the dumper truck's operation, it is important to follow several safety guidelines. Firstly, the driver must have proper training and certification to operate the truck. Secondly, the truck must be loaded evenly and within its weight capacity. Thirdly, the driver must check the truck's brakes, steering, and hydraulic systems before each use. Lastly, the truck must be used on stable ground to prevent overturning.
