


问题一:徐悲鸿以画马著名用英语怎么说 你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:
Xu Beihong was famous for drawing the horse.
问题二:关于徐悲鸿的英语介绍 Xu Beihong (1895-1953), the modern painter, art educator. Han, Jiangsu Yixing. Had studied in France to learn Western painting, after returning long engaged in art education, has taught at the Department of Art, National Central University, Peking University and Peking Art Institute College of Art. In 1949, he served as president of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Good people, animals, birds, advocates of reali *** , especially in the traditional push 崇任伯 years, emphasizing integration of Western painting techniques reform painting, painting ideas light, shape, and stress the anatomy, bones accurately grasp objects, and stressed the ideological content of the work, Chinese painting at that time a great impact. Ink and color painting made into a muddy, especially horses who enjoy the world.
问题三:“去参观徐悲鸿画展”用英语怎么说? going to visit the exhibition of Xu Beihong's paintings
问题四:徐悲鸿的简介(英文) Xu Beihong(July 19, 1895 - September 26, 1953) (born in Yixing, Jiangsu)was a Chinese painter. Considered a modern master in China, his merging of Western techniques with classic Chinese approaches was unmatched. He is particularly known for his shuimohua depictions of horses and birds.
Xu began studying classic Chinese works and calligraphy with his father Xu Dazhang when he was six, and Chinese painting when he was nine. In 1915, he moved to Shanghai, where he made a living off mercial and private work. He traveled to Tokyo in 1917 to study arts. When he returned to China, he began to teach at Peking University's Arts school at the invitation of Cai Yuanpei.
Beginning in 1919, Xu studied overseas in Paris at the école Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, where he studied oil painting and drawing. His travels around Western Europe allowed him to observe and imitate Western art techniques. He came back to China in 1927 and, from 1927 to 1929, gained a number of posts at institutions in China, including teaching at National Central University (now Nanjing University) in the former capital city Nanjing.
In 1933, Xu organized an exhibition of modern Chinese painting that traveled to France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, and the Soviet Union. During World War II, Xu traveled to Southeast Asia, holding exhibitions in Singapore and India. All the proceeds from these exhibitions went to Chinese people who were suffering as a result of the war.
After the founding of the ......>>
问题五:英语作文介绍徐悲鸿画的《马》 10分 徐悲鸿是中国当代杰出的画家,卓越的美术 家。他出生于江苏宜兴,幼年随父学画,后赴巴黎入法国国立高等美术学校,精研素描与油画,并先后去英、德、法、意及瑞士观摹学习,吸取了不少世界艺术精华。他擅长中国画、油画,尤精素描。
1934年4月,徐悲鸿应邀到莫斯科举办画展。一天,他应苏联 之请为观众作一次画马的现场表演,他充分运用中国画独有的线条,水墨浓淡相宜,寥寥数笔,一匹势不可挡的奔马便跃然纸上。当时,在场的素有爱马之癖的骑兵元帅布琼尼,拨开人群走到徐悲鸿面前,直率地说:“徐先生,就将这匹马赠给我吧,否则我会发疯的!”徐悲鸿被布琼尼的幽默逗笑了,欣然点头答应。布琼尼高兴地和徐悲鸿热烈拥抱,并大声称赞道:“徐先生,你不仅是东方的一支神笔,也是属于世界的一支神笔。你笔下的奔马,比我所骑过的那些战马更加奔放、健美!”
徐悲鸿画的马落笔有神,奔放处不狂狷,精微处不琐屑,盘骨强壮,气势磅礴,形神俱足。他以周穆王八匹名马为题材所画的《八骏图》,成为这位艺术 的不朽名作。而其最著名的则是《九方皋相马》,现藏北京徐悲鸿纪念馆。
在徐悲鸿笔下的马,赋予了画家自己的个性和理想。他常借画马抒怀,有所寓意,以寄托自己的悲哀、忧郁、希望和欢乐。这从画面和画上的题词即可清楚地看出,这样的事例不胜枚举。上世纪40年代初,徐悲鸿在抗日战争的战火纷飞中,只身远走南洋,4次举办作品展览,将卖画的全部收入捐献给失去家园的祖国难民。他在一幅马画上题词:“水草寻常行处有,相期效死得长征。”表达了主张积极抗日的愿望。1944年在重庆中央大学授课并筹备中央美术学院时,他把卖画的收入多用来帮贫寒的学生、教师和 界人士,而自己却过着异常艰苦的生活。他在一幅侧面奔马画上的题词是:“问汝健脚果何用,为觅生活竞日驰”,反映着当时的现实境况。1953年,徐悲鸿在北京故居,欢快地挥动墨汁淋漓的画笔,只用了十几分钟,便画出了一匹栩栩如生、四蹄腾空的奔马,并题写道: “山河百战归民主,铲尽崎岖大道平”。这充分表达了画家对新中国诞生的神情和发自内心的真诚喜悦望采纳!
问题六:徐悲鸿简介英语作文120字 徐悲鸿是中国当代杰出的画家,卓越的美术 家。他出生于江苏宜兴,幼年随父学画,后赴巴黎入法国国立高等美术学校,精研素描与油画,并先后去英、德、法、意及瑞士观摹学习,吸取了不少世界艺术精华。他擅长中国画、油画,尤精素描。
1934年4月,徐悲鸿应邀到莫斯科举办画展。一天,他应苏联 之请为观众作一次画马的现场表演,他充分运用中国画独有的线条,水墨浓淡相宜,寥寥数笔,一匹势不可挡的奔马便跃然纸上。当时,在场的素有爱马之癖的骑兵元帅布琼尼,拨开人群走到徐悲鸿面前,直率地说:“徐先生,就将这匹马赠给我吧,否则我会发疯的!”徐悲鸿被布琼尼的幽默逗笑了,欣然点头答应。布琼尼高兴地和徐悲鸿热烈拥抱,并大声称赞道:“徐先生,你不仅是东方的一支神笔,也是属于世界的一支神笔。你笔下的奔马,比我所骑过的那些战马更加奔放、健美!”
徐悲鸿画的马落笔有神,奔放处不狂狷,精微处不琐屑,盘骨强壮,气势磅礴,形神俱足。他以周穆王八匹名马为题材所画的《八骏图》,成为这位艺术 的不朽名作。而其最著名的则是《九方皋相马》,现藏北京徐悲鸿纪念馆。
在徐悲鸿笔下的马,赋予了画家自己的个性和理想。他常借画马抒怀,有所寓意,以寄托自己的悲哀、忧郁、希望和欢乐。这从画面和画上的题词即可清楚地看出,这样的事例不胜枚举。上世纪40年代初,徐悲鸿在抗日战争的战火纷飞中,只身远走南洋,4次举办作品展览,将卖画的全部收入捐献给失去家园的祖国难民。他在一幅马画上题词:“水草寻常行处有,相期效死得长征。”表达了主张积极抗日的愿望。1944年在重庆中央大学授课并筹备中央美术学院时,他把卖画的收入多用来帮贫寒的学生、教师和 界人士,而自己却过着异常艰苦的生活。他在一幅侧面奔马画上的题词是:“问汝健脚果何用,为觅生活竞日驰”,反映着当时的现实境况。1953年,徐悲鸿在北京故居,欢快地挥动墨汁淋漓的画笔,只用了十几分钟,便画出了一匹栩栩如生、四蹄腾空的奔马,并题写道: “山河百战归民主,铲尽崎岖大道平”。这充分表达了画家对新中国诞生的神情和发自内心的真诚喜悦望采纳!



徐悲鸿(1895—1953年) Jiangsu Yi Xing City people, the plain birthday is well-being. One of modern Chinese the fine arts cause founder , distinguished painter and the fine arts educationist. The Xu Bei Hong father is the painter who enjoys some reputation. Since childhood, inherit study of family , study Chinese ink and wash.His recipient Cai Yuanpei engages in 1918,let Peking University technique of painting or drawing study the meeting director , France , the queen studying abroad in 1919 can't rotate Berlin past , Belgium studies pencil sketching and oil painting. Learn painting painting, pencil sketching , inspecting and learning from each other's work , study west fine arts. Return back to homeland in 1927 , successively let Shanghai the South art academy fine arts be that the director , Chuo University art are a professor , Peking learns the art college dean , Peking art academy President enthusiastically. New Chinese founds the queen , assumes a post of session of China whole nation artist duty such as chairman of association , the fine arts college dean of central authority. Xu Bei Hong insists on the actuali art road, "five hundred scholars , who have created the field horizontal stroke" "Jiufang Gao ", "bar of person draws water ", "the Foolish Old Man who removed the mountains" wait for a series of the works of excellence having enormous effect to development of modern traditional Chinese painting , oil painting , play have arrived at serve as a link between past and future enormous role on History of Chinese Fine Arts.
徐悲鸿(1895—1953年),江苏宜兴人,原名寿康。中国现代美术事业的奠基者之一,杰出的画家和美术 家。徐悲鸿父亲是个小有名气的画家。自幼承袭家学,研习中国水墨画。1918年,他接受蔡元培聘请,任北京大学画法研究会导师,1919年留学法国,后又转往柏林、比利时研习素描和油画。学习画画、素描,观摩、研究西方美术。1927年回国,先后任上海南国艺术学院美术系主任、中央大学艺术系教授、北平大学艺术学院院长、北平艺术专科学校校长。新中国建立后,任首届中华全国美术工作者协会主席、中央美术学院院长等职。徐悲鸿坚持现实主义艺术道路,创作了《田横五百士》、《九方皋》、《巴人汲水》、《愚公移山》等一系列对现代中国画、油画的发展有着巨大影响的优秀作品,在中国美术史上起到了承前启后的巨大作用。

