IntroductionWestern Han Dynasty diplomat. Hanzhong into a solid (now Shaanxi Chenggu) people. The first year of Emperor Chien-yuan (formerly 140) for the Lang. For a total of Emperor Wu of the Joint Taiyue Shi Hun attack, should raise any envoy Zhang Qian, in two out of Longxi Jianyuan by the Huns, captured. More than 10 years in the Hun a wife, but always uphold the Chinese section. After the escape, westbound to Dawan, through peaceful living, arrived in Da Yueshi, then Tai summer, spent more than a year before returning. In the way home, Zhang Qian to change from South Road, to fall back Nanshan, an attempt to avoid the Huns found, but still received the Huns, they were detained for over a year. Yuanshuo three years (before 126), Hun civil strife, Zhang Qian took the opportunity to flee to the Han Dynasty, Han Dynasty to the detailed report of the Western situation, Emperor granted ether doctor. Zhang Qian in the big summer was told by the Shu (now the Sichuan Basin) South West via the body is (now India) can pass great summer, due to open Emperor Wu and Yi Road, persuaded, but for the Kunming Yi by the resistance, failed to pass. Yuanshuo six years, Zhang Qian as Wei Qing Zheng Hun, active, closed Bowang Hou. Yuanshou years (before 121), and Guang out of the right Peking (now northeastern Hebei) attack the Huns; Zhang Qian delay due to the military period, when cut, with the Marquis of sin may be exempt from the common people. After Emperor Zhang Qian Fu advised the Joint Wusun (Ili River valley in this), Emperor Wu Nai Bai, at the Zhonglang Jiang, BC 119 annual rate of 300 to 10 000 the number of cattle and sheep Jinbo, envoy Wu-sun. Zhang Qian to the Wu-sun, contingents Fushi to Dawan, Kangju, Rouzhi, next to China and other big summer, this trip has made great achievements, Western countries also sent envoys return visit to Chang'an. Wusun sent envoys sent Zhang Qian Gui Han , and offering horse acknowledge. Yuanding years (before 115), Zhang Qian also. Death following year. After his removal Fushi have cited Central Asia envoy to the Han; Wu-sun and Han was finally married, a total break Hun. Chinese can pass the West, created by the deal in Zhang Qian. By Zhang Qian in the prestigious Western, Chinese and the Congregation of the Mission who was more than that to win the trust of Asian countries Bowang Hou. Zhang Qian to the opening of the Silk Road from China to the Western Region have made outstanding contributions, has world famous. Central Asia was no historical records, Zhang Qian reported, equipment set out in the "Historical Records", "Han", which is of Central Asian history is based on the raw data of great value.
张骞是中国第一个伟大的探险家的英语是:张骞 (Zhāng Qiān) was the first great explorer in ancient China.
张骞(Zhang Qian)是中国历史上第一个伟大的探险家之一。他生活在西汉时期,约公元前2世纪。张骞出生在一个边境的将军家庭,从小就接受了军事训练。公元前138年,他被汉武帝派遣出使西域(今天的中亚地区)。
在西域,张骞与许多 建立了外交关系,开展了贸易活动。他还广泛收集了有关西域地理、民族、风俗等方面的信息,为后来的探险家和征服者提供了宝贵的资料。张骞的探险不仅对于中国扩大交流和贸易起到了重要作用,也对其他 的地理探索有了积极的影响。他的勇敢和决心使他成为中国历史上的一位伟大的探险家。
张骞作为中国历史上的探险家,张骞的探险精神和成就对于中国历史和 产生了深远的影响。在推动中亚地区与中国的交流和合作方面做出了重要贡献。他的勇敢和冒险精神为后来探险家树立了榜样,同时也促进了丝绸之路的形成和繁荣。他的探险精神和 交流的意义在中国历史和 中被广泛重视和传承。
1、建立了中亚通商路线:张骞的探险使中国与中亚地区建立起贸易和 交流的联系。他成功地打通了中亚的陆路通道,成为了历史上著名的丝绸之路的先驱之一。
2、 交流与传播:张骞在西域期间积极与当地 进行交流,并将中国 和知识传播到西域地区。他带去了中国的技术、农业、手工艺等方面的知识,也从西域学习了一些外来 。这促进了中亚地区与中国的 交流与融合。
3、增进了中外经济合作:张骞的使命是与西域 建立贸易关系,这为中国和中亚 之间的经济合作铺平了道路。中亚地区的丰富资源和中国的市场需求相互促进,促进了中外贸易的发展。
4、地理和民族资料的收集:张骞在西域地区广泛收集了有关地理、民族和风俗习惯等方面的信息。这为后来的探险家、地理学家和历史学家提供了宝贵的资料,对于研究中亚地区的历史和 具有重要意义。