亲爱的网友们,很多人可能对白鳍豚的英语介绍和white —flag dolphi不是很了解,所以今天我来和大家分享一些关于白鳍豚的英语介绍和white —flag dolphi的知识,希望能够帮助大家更好地了解这个话题。



The baiji (scientific name: Lipotes vexillifer), also called the baiji, white, is a freshwater cetaceanLipotidae animal, only produced in the middle and lower Yangtze River Chinese, with long, the body is spindle shaped, glabrous skin exposed, like gregarious, temperament gentle care, audio-visual organ serious degradation, sonar system is especially sensitive. The baiji is a warm blooded animal, lungs, known as the "water of the giant panda". To twentieth Century, due to various reasons, the population decline, estimated in 2002 has been less than 50 head, it not only were classified as a national protected wild animal, is one of the world's 12 most endangered animal. In August 8, 2007, "the Royal Society journal Biological letter" published in the report, formally announced the baiji functional extinction


white —flag dolphin的英文介绍

white-flag dolphin

1、Some havebeen bred in captivity at the Tian'ezhou White-Flag Dolphin NationalNature Reserve in central China's Hubei Province.
有一些江豚在位于中国中部湖北省的长江天鹅洲白鳍豚 级自然保护区内进行人工饲养。
2、Article 37 The State maintains special protection of the rare and endangeredaquatic wild animals such as white-flag dolphin to prevent them from extinction.
第三十七条 对白鳍豚等珍贵、濒危水生野生动物实行重点保护,防止其灭绝。
3、Chinese scientists said they will continue to search for the rare white-flag dolphinalthough it is possibly extinct as a 38-day search failed to find any in the Yangtze River.

