
Picture Manager是一款功能强大的图片管理工具,可以帮助用户更有效地管理和控制图片文件。简单而极其易用,它可以把所有文件组合成一个目录,方便用户查看,编辑,搜索和排序。

(1)Picture Manager能够有效组织和浏览图片文件。它的界面非常友好,用户可以选择文件夹上的图片文件,然后在它的目录下对其进行排序和搜索。它还允许用户按照任何方式组织文件,例如按文件名,文件大小,图片格式或拍摄日期等进行排序。

(2)Picture Manager可以帮助用户根据不同的标准(例如图片大小,图片类型,图片的拍摄日期等)快速浏览图像,并对图片文件进行快速浏览和编辑。此外,用户还可以通过Picture Manager创建和编辑自定义文件夹,轻松管理所有的图片文件。

(3)Picture Manager还可以应用许多实用工具,帮助用户处理图像文件。它支持图片格式的转换,图像旋转,图像裁剪,图像适配等功能,能够帮助用户快速处理大量图片文件。它还可以自动智能地调整图片的亮度、对比度和色彩,以获取更佳的图像质量

(4)Picture Manager还能帮助用户分享图片到外部网站,整个过程只需要几步骤就可以完成。它还可以使用来自不同程序中图像处理器,以便用户可以快速改变图片的外观和尺寸,而无需重新导入新的图片。

(5)Picture Manager还可以提供更灵活的功能,例如用户可以定制自己的工具栏,在“视图”上有五种不同的布局,可以显示一行,或一列,或一个大图片缩略图,或两行文件、图片的全尺寸缩略图。此外,用户还可以添加,删除和编辑文件夹,以及导入和导出文件,和添加或共享文件夹。

Picture manager is a powerful image management tool that addresses common image-related tasks, including arranging, organizing, managing and editing digital pictures.

1. Arranging medium based on similarity: Picture manager helps users to sort out different images types easily, such as sorting all photographs taken in a given time range, all portrait images, all landscapes, all wildlife, etc. It is a powerful feature that enables users to rearrange the medium based on possible similarity.

2. Organizing files and folders: Picture manager assists users in creating different folders and hierarchical structure to organize their digital images. It lets them to quickly search for files and folders by setting specific criteria, such as file type, date or size.

3. Managing digital images: Picture manager facilitates users to manage files and folders efficiently, making sure that all of their valuable image resources are stored in the same place. It allows them to delete, rename and move files and folders with just few clicks.

4. Editing pictures: Picture manager lets users edit their pictures quickly and easily. It comes with simple image editing tools such as cropping, resizing, fixing, contrast, brightness and many more features.

5. Sharing photos: Picture manager helps users to share their photos easily with social networks, instant messengers, email, or other applications. It also comes with features to create slideshows and albums that can be shared and viewed easily.

6. Backup pictures: Picture manager ensures users’ pictures are safe and secure by providing an integrated backup solution. It allows them to store their images in a secure cloud or any other online storage service.
