
3DMax 9英文版下载教程

3DMax是一款极为著名的三维建模软件,在影视、游戏、建筑等领域广泛应用。而3DMax 9作为早期版本,也被许多人所青睐。在本文中,我们将为大家提供3DMax 9英文版的下载教程,帮助大家轻松获取这一软件。

1. 下载3DMax 9软件

首先,我们需要寻找一个可靠的下载源。有许多网站提供3DMax 9英文版的下载,比如say603、greenart、ediwk等,均为国外网站,需要使用科学上网的方式打开。


2. 安装3DMax 9软件



2)弹出“欢迎安装3ds Max 9”的提示框,点击“下一步”。






8)成功安装3DMax 9后,点击“完成”按钮退出向导。

3. 使用3DMax 9软件

打开3DMax 9软件后,你就可以在里面进行三维建模、动画制作等操作了。如果你以前没有接触过3DMax,建议先去学习一些基础知识,可以通过查找各类视频或者书籍进行学习。在此不再赘述。

在使用3DMax 9软件时,建议大家在宽带网络环境下使用。如果你购买了较为昂贵的3D建模软件,也可以找到相应的破解软件使用。但是我们建议大家要遵守软件的版权和使用规范,不要将软件用于商业用途。


3DMax 9是一款非常优秀的三维建模软件,它可以帮助我们在影视、游戏、建筑等领域创建出符合我们想象的作品。在下载和使用软件时,我们需要注意软件版权,不要用于商业用途。我们希望本教程可以帮助您成功下载安装3DMax 9软件,并且可以掌握它的基本使用方法。

3Dmax2014 English Version: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you interested in creating stunning visual effects for your projects, but are struggling to find the right software to bring your visions to life? Look no further than 3Dmax2014 English Version! This powerful software is the key to turning your ideas into reality.

In this article, we'll explore the ins and outs of 3Dmax2014, from its history to its features. We'll also provide tips and tricks to help you make the most of this amazing tool.

A Brief History

3Dmax2014 is a product of Autodesk, a company that has been at the forefront of the computer graphics industry for over 30 years. The first version of 3Dmax was released in 1990 under the name \"3D Studio\" and was designed to be a tool for creating three-dimensional animations and renders.

Over the years, the software has evolved, and 3Dmax2014 is the most advanced version yet. It's used in a variety of industries, from architecture and engineering to film and video game development.


One of the key features of 3Dmax2014 is its user-friendly interface. It's easy to navigate and provides users with a range of tools to create complex models and animations. The software is also highly customizable, allowing users to create their own menus and toolbars.

Another great feature of 3Dmax2014 is its rendering capabilities. The software supports both CPU and GPU rendering, which means you can create stunning visual effects quickly and easily. Additionally, the software supports a range of rendering engines, including Autodesk's own Arnold renderer.

Tips and Tricks

1. Master the basics: Before you can create complex models and animations, you need to understand the basics of 3Dmax2014. Spend some time learning the interface, keyboard shortcuts, and basic modeling techniques.

2. Use reference images: Reference images can be a great help when creating models. They provide a visual reference for the model and can help ensure that your final product looks realistic.

3. Experiment with lighting: Lighting is an important aspect of any 3D animation or render. Experiment with different lighting setups to create the mood and atmosphere you're looking for.

