Title: \"How to Disable Live Streaming Permissions on Pippi App\"
Have you ever found yourself unaware of how to turn off live streaming permissions on the Pippi App? Well, fear no more! In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to disable live streaming permissions on Pippi App and keep your privacy safe.
Firstly, open the Pippi App on your mobile device. Once you’ve opened the app, click on the ‘Profile’ icon located at the top right corner of the screen. This will bring you to your personal profile page.
Next, click on the ‘Settings’ icon located beside the ‘Edit Profile’ option. From there, you will be presented with a drop-down menu. Click on ‘Privacy Settings’.
After clicking on ‘Privacy Settings’, you will be brought to another page where you will see various options to control your privacy on the app. Scroll down until you come to the ‘Live Video Permissions’ section.
In the ‘Live Video Permissions’ section, you will see the option to ‘Allow Live Permissions’. To disable this feature, simply click the toggle switch to turn off the live permissions on Pippi App.
That’s it! By following these simple steps, you can now disable live streaming permissions on the Pippi App and ensure that your privacy is protected.
In addition, here are a few other things you should keep in mind while using Pippi App:
1. Set your account to private. By setting your account to private, you can control who can follow and see your content. This will also prevent unknown users from requesting to follow you.
2. Be mindful of what you share. Remember that everything you post on Pippi App is public, so be cautious of the content you upload. Consider the potential consequences of your posts before sharing.
3. Keep track of your followers. Check your followers regularly and make sure that they are people you know or trust. If you receive any suspicious or unsafe messages, report them immediately to the app’s support team.
1. 在广告中找到关闭按钮,并点击。
2. 开启分身模式,禁用广告。