


I. 准备工作

1. 材料:大马铃薯、油(橄榄油、花生油、菜籽油),盐。

2. 工具:刀、切菜器、平底锅或油炸锅、盘子、勺子。

II. 制作步骤

1. 清洗:将大马铃薯洗净,并切成大小一致的条状,切薄一点更容易入味,厚度一般在0.5-1cm。

2. 煮水:用大一点的容器煮开水,加入盐调味,然后将切好的薯条放入开水中焯一下,大概30秒左右。

3. 沥水:将焯好的薯条捞起沥水。

4. 风干:将沥水后的薯条倒入盘子中,里面横放会更好,让它自然风干,大概风干到表面八成干就可以了。

5. 油炸:将锅中油烧热,用中火炸,等到油热到一定程度后,放入风干的薯条。时间不宜过久,大概炸2-3分钟就好,当薯条开始变成金黄色时就可以出锅了。

6. 调味:将油炸好的薯条放入盘子中,撒上适量的盐,多用手翻转几下,让盐均匀地附在薯条上。

III. 注意事项

1. 切薯条时注意大小和厚度要一致。

2. 油的温度不宜过高,否则容易把薯条炸焦。

3. 减少用盐量,尽量让薯条的自然风味表现出来,过咸了反而减少美味感。

4. 炸薯条时尽量不要太拥挤,否则会影响炸的效果。

5. 炸出来的薯条应该尽快食用,否则会影响口感和营养成分。


How to Make French Fries: A Step-by-Step Guide

French fries are a beloved snack and side dish around the world. Whether you prefer them thin and crispy or thick and juicy, there's no denying that a plate of fresh, hot fries can be a real treat. But have you ever wondered how to make them yourself? With a few simple ingredients and the right technique, you can create your own delicious fries at home. Here's how to make French fries from scratch.


- Potatoes (russet or Yukon gold work well)

- Oil (vegetable, canola, or peanut)

- Salt


- Knife

- Cutting board

- Deep fryer or large pot

- Slotted spoon or metal strainer

- Paper towels

- Baking tray


1. Choose your potatoes. Look for russet or Yukon gold potatoes, which are best suited for frying. Scrub and peel the potatoes, then cut them into thin sticks or wedges with a sharp knife. The size and shape of your fries is up to you, but be sure to cut them evenly so that they cook evenly.

2. Soak the potatoes. Place the cut potatoes in a large bowl of cold water and let them soak for at least 30 minutes (or up to 2 hours). This step helps to remove excess starch, which can cause the fries to stick together or become limp.

3. Dry the potatoes. After soaking, drain the potatoes and use a clean kitchen towel or paper towels to carefully pat them dry. Any excess water can cause the oil to splatter and create a hazardous situation.

4. Heat the oil. Fill your deep fryer or heavy-bottomed pot with oil, making sure to leave at least 2 inches of space at the top for expansion. Heat the oil to 325°F (163°C) –use a cooking thermometer to check the temperature.

5. Fry the potatoes. Carefully add a handful of the potatoes to the hot oil, using a slotted spoon or metal strainer. Cook the fries for about 5-7 minutes, or until they are starting to turn lightly golden brown. Remove the fries with the strainer and place them on a paper towel-lined baking tray to drain off any excess oil.

6. Raise the temperature. Raise the heat of the oil to 375°F (190°C). Once the oil is at the correct temperature, add the fries back in batches, cooking them until they are golden brown and crispy. Avoid over-crowding the pot, which can cause the oil to cool down too quickly and decrease cooking efficiency.

7. Season the fries. Once the fries are cooked, remove them with a strainer and place them on a paper towel-lined baking tray to drain. Season them with salt while they are still hot, then give them a shake or two to distribute the salt evenly.

8. Serve and enjoy. Serve your fresh, hot French fries alongside your favorite dipping sauce, such as ketchup, mayo, or aioli.
