





I.M. Pei, who was revered as one of the last great modernist architects, has died, Pei Cobb Freed & Partners confirmed. He was 102 years old.

Although he worked mostly in the United States, Pei will always be remembered for a European project: his redevelopment of the Louvre Museum in Paris in the 1980s. He gave us the glass and metal pyramid in the main courtyard, along with three aller pyramids and a vast subterranean addition to the museum entrance.

Pei was the first foreign architect to work on the Louvre in its long history, and initially his designs were fiercely opposed. But in the end, the French — and everyone else — were won over.

Winning the fifth Pritzker Architecture Prize in 1983, Pei was cited as giving the 20th century "some of its most beautiful interior spaces and exterior forms ... His versatility and skill in the use of materials approach the level of poetry."

His East Building of the National Gallery of Art in Washington in 1978 altered people's perceptions of a museum. The site was an odd trapezoid shape. Pei's solution was to cut it in two. The resulting building was dramatic, light and elegant — one of the first crowd-pleasing cathedrals of modern art.

In person, I.M. Pei was dapper, good-humored, charming and unusually modest. His working process was evolutionary, but innovation was never a conscious goal.

"Stylistic originality is not my purpose, " he said. "I want to find the originality in the time, the place and the problem."

I.M. Pei, who was revered as one of the last great modernist architects, has died, Pei Cobb Freed & Partners confirmed. He was 102 years old.

Although he worked mostly in the United States, Pei will always be remembered for a European project: his redevelopment of the Louvre Museum in Paris in the 1980s. He gave us the glass and metal pyramid in the main courtyard, along with three aller pyramids and a vast subterraneanaddition to the museum entrance.

Pei was the first foreign architect to work on the Louvre in its long history, and initially his designs were fiercely opposed. But in the end, the French — and everyone else — were won over.

Winning the fifth Pritzker Architecture Prize in 1983, Pei was cited as giving the 20th century "some of its most beautiful interior spaces and exterior forms ... His versatility and skill in the use of materials approach the level of poetry."

His East Building of the National Gallery of Art in Washington in 1978 altered people's perceptions of a museum. The site was an odd trapezoid shape. Pei's solution was to cut it in two. The resulting building was dramatic, light and elegant — one of the first crowd-pleasing cathedrals of modern art.

In person, I.M. Pei was dapper, good-humored, charming and unusually modest. His working process was evolutionary, but innovation was never a conscious goal.

"Stylistic originality is not my purpose," he said. "I want to find the originality in the time, the place and the problem."

adj. 被公开赞誉的
相关词汇:acclaim(v. 公开称赞)
acclaim 例句:He is acclaimed as the greatest science fiction writer of his generation.

v. 崇敬
英文释义:to respect someone so deeply that you almost worship them
例句:Many Americans revere Martin Luther King.
例句:Many South Africans revere Nelson Mandela.

n. (通常为城堡、 筑的)露天庭院,广场
court, yard
court 指建筑里封闭的庭院,本身还有法庭之意;yard 多指建筑附近小片区域的院子,比如小

adj. 地下的
sub- 派生词:subtitle
terr 派生词:the Mediterranean(n. 地中海)
搭配短语:a subterranean river

英文释义:a new part added to a house or other building

win over
英文释义:to persuade someone to support you or agree with you, often when they were opposed to you before
搭配短语:win over ./win . over
搭配短语:win over the undecided voters

n. 多才多艺

v. 接近
英文释义:comes near to

n. 不规则四边形(英式英语);梯形(美式英语)

/ˈkraʊd pliːzɪŋ/
adj. 大受欢迎的;备受青睐的
搭配短语:a crowd-pleasing comedy


/ˌɡʊd ˈhjuːmərd/
adj. 脾气好的
相关词汇:light-hearted(adj. 无忧无虑的)

adj. 进化的;演变的,逐步发展的
词义辨析:revolutionary(adj. 革命性的;剧烈变化的)
例句:Modern architecture needed to be part of an evolutionary, not a revolutionary, process.

n. 独创性,创造性

贝聿铭 1917 年 4 月 26 日出生于中国广州,家里是名门望族,父亲贝祖贻曾经是当时中央银行总裁。他童年曾在上海、香港、苏州等城市生活。

1935 年,贝聿铭前往美国,先后在宾夕法尼亚大学和麻省理工大学攻读建筑学本科学位,之后他又前往 大学,并获得建筑硕士的学位。在 大学,当时在建筑思想上更为创新活跃的高等学府里,贝聿铭学到了光线对于建筑的重要性,并且对于 主义的实用和简约有了更深层次的理解。在求学的过程中,他还遇到了之后成为他妻子的女留学生卢爱玲。

1946 年,贝聿铭从 大学毕业, 家庭和生活所需,贝聿铭选择接受纽约地产大 廉·齐肯多夫(William Zechendorf)的工作邀约,担任从事房屋建筑师。这一阶段,他的设计比较平庸,并不出彩,这让贝聿铭对自己的职业生涯展开了 思考。虽然威廉·齐肯多夫对他的工作非常满意,但是贝聿铭还是辞掉了工作,并成立了自己的事务所。

1955 年,贝聿铭和合伙人成立了“贝聿铭及合伙人建筑师事务所”(I.M.Pei & Associates),随后经多次更名,成为了现在的“贝·考伯·弗里德及合伙人建筑师事务所”(Pei Cobb Freed & Partners)。

1968年,贝聿铭及合伙人 ·柯布(Henry N. Cobb)参与设计了位于美国 顿的汉考克大厦(John Hancock Tower)。当时,该建筑大规模采用了玻璃幕墙,但由于当时的技术还不够成熟,建成初期曾经出现过玻璃脱落的事故,这差点毁掉贝聿铭的事务所。

1979 年,贝聿铭开始着手设计位于 的 饭店,这是外籍设计师在中国开展的的首个产品。根据贝聿铭的思考,这座饭店的设计必须体现 艺术的精髓。因此,他采用传统的园林风格和 风格相结合的方式,主体后是曲径通幽的中式园林,放到现在来看也不落伍。

让贝聿铭闻名于世的是法国卢浮宫的 塔。贝聿铭曾说,“如果有一件事我知道我没有做错,那就是卢浮宫”。1984 年,时任法国 弗朗索瓦·密特朗(François Mitterrand)亲自邀请贝聿铭来对这座曾经的法国王宫进行改建。然而,贝聿铭将其设计成 塔造型的方案一经公布便引发轩然 ,很多人觉得如果按照这样全玻璃的设计的话,整个王宫拥有几百年历史的整体古建筑风格会遭到破坏。但是,贝聿铭力排众议,将他的方案落地。建成之后,人们发现,透过玻璃可以看到古典主义的 卢浮宫墙面和巴黎漂亮的天空,地下展厅也 日光而变得更加明亮。贝聿铭认为,玻璃 塔是一个象征性的入口,它寓意着连接 与古代。

